Is It Possible That Sneakerheads Live Longer?

Find out why Elite Daily says that sneakerheads may actually live longer.

Image via The Shoe Game

Although being a sneakerhead has its ups and downs, it's pretty great for the most part. Wearing your favorite sneakers instills a sense of pride that no other clothing can quite match, which means a fresh pair can do wonders for one's self-esteem and mood. Kicks can also provide financial relief in during emergencies — if you need to pay a huge bill, just sell off one of your prized pairs. But what if we told you that snekaerheads actually live longer?

According to Elite Daily, that might not be as crazy as it sounds. Citing the 60 Minutes Sports sneakers episodeElite Daily notes that "true" 'heads are highly organized. From there, it draws a connection to a University of California at Riverside study that says people with good organization are healthier overall.

"People [who are organized] are more aware best practices for their health, they risk less and tend to have more stable jobs and marriages. Many of these individuals have to a biological predisposition to be healthy," the psychologist behind the study said.

That makes plenty of sense, but it seems like a bit of a reach from Elite Daily to say that it applies to all sneaker collectors. Anyone who's seen my heap of boxes would tell you the same thing.