The Shoe Surgeon Turned Down a Job Offer From Yeezy

On a recent episode of Hypebeast's 'Business of Hype' radio show, The Shoe Surgeon discusses turning down a job offer from Yeezy.

Shoe Surgeon

Image via theshoesurgeon

Shoe Surgeon

In today's sneaker landscape, customization has became a bigger part of the culture than ever before. Arguably one of the biggest names in sneaker customizing right now is Dominic Chambrone, better known as The Shoe Surgeon. During a recent episode of Hypebeast's Business of Hype radio show, Chambrone sat down with Jeff Staple to discuss what led him to his current occupation of being a premium sneaker cobbler, operating Surgeon Studios in Los Angeles, and even how he turned down a job to work with Kanye West.

"I got a job offer for Yeezy," Chambrone revealed. "They wanted me to work for them. I've had a lot of job offers with Adidas and it just doesn't make sense to shut down what I'm doing."

Staple pointed out that many would give up essentially anything for an opportunity to work for one of the hottest brands in sneakers, but Chambrone found the decision to not accept the offer was fairly easy. "I told them straight up how I felt," he said. "I put so much blood, sweat, tears, and money into this, and messing things up, that I can't take anything. I joke around the if a company offered my a $1 million a year salary, I wouldn't take it."

To listen to the rest of the interview, check it out here. The Shoe Surgeon's Yeezy discussion begins around the 62:00 mark. 

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