Nike's Giving You a Chance to Smoke Kevin Hart in a 5K

Nike is hosting a 5K run with Kevin Hart in NYC this weekend.

Kevin Hart is good at making jokes, but how talented is at doing other things, such as running? If you've ever wondered about how swiftly he can make move his short legs, then there's something going down in New York City this weekend that will pique your interest: Nike is hosting a 5K run that gives participants to log miles with Hart on Saturday morning.

According to the Nike Run Club, it's "joining forces with Kevin Hart for a spontaneous 5K Local Run through Prospect Park this Saturday at 9:34 a.m. Come run with us and become a better version of yourself."

We want to know how many steps it's going to take to complete the run. And if you beat him, you'll have bragging rights. Click here to sign up.

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