Bill Maher Hates This Guy's adidas Jeremy Scott Sneakers

When Frank Luntz stepped on stage wearing Jeremy Scott's USA-themed adidas JS Wings 2.0, Bill Maher went into full "What are thooooose? mode.

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Frank Luntz is a Republican political consultant best known for developing talking points for presidential candidates that no one likes. Last night, he was a guest on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, and like any important discussion, the chat started off with a good sneaker flaming.

When the 54-year old stepped on stage wearing Jeremy Scott's USA-themed adidas JS Wings 2.0, Maher went into full "What are thooooose? mode, bluntly letting Luntz know that his shoes suck. The exchange set the tone for what turned out to be a pretty tense discussion between the two.

The people at Under Armour are probably breathing a sigh of relief after seeing another brand's sneakers being publicly shamed instead of Stephen Curry's — they're lucky Luntz didn't break out his own pair of "Make America Great Again" Curry Twos.

Frank Luntz Wearing Jeremy Scott Stars & Stripes Wings Sneakers