Carrie Fisher Will Return As Princess Leia In "Star Wars: Episode VII"


March 6, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Guys. Guys. Big, big news for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII: Not only will Harrison Ford probably be back as Han Solo, but according to the Palm Beach Illustrated, so will Princess Leia herself, Carrie Fisher.

The news broke when the magazine caught up with her when she was doing press rounds for her participation as keynote speaker for the "Old Bags Luncheon." Unfortunately Fisher had to step down from giving the speech due to complications from her bipolar disorder, but she spoke with the Palm Beach Illustrated before stepping down.


Yes, this isn't official confirmation, but we're going to go ahead and believe it anyway because it makes us really happy inside. For all you realists out there, though: Lucasfilm and Disney have not made any official announcement as of yet. You guys must be real fun at parties.

RELATED: Harrison Ford is (Reportedly) Putting His Han Solo Vest Back On

[via Huffington Post // Palm Beach Illustrated]