Xbox One, PlayStation 4 Owners Will Have Higher Electricity Bills

The reseach group NRDC has found that the next-gen Xbox One and PlayStation 4 use signficantly more power than their predicesor

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Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One consoles consume as much as twice the energy as previous-generation predecessors according to a report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

The report suggests that owners of either console will have higher energy bills than those using the older PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. While it may be no surprise that with high-powered graphics come the requirement for more juice, twice as much power is a quite a bump up. With a power and digital rights security scheme that allows the boxes to stay always-on, the next-gen consoles could result in as much as $400 million worth of electricity from standby mode alone. Also included in this number was the standby mode of the Wii U for Nintendo.

The report from the NRDC says that 110 million last-generation console owners have upgraded to the newer machines, the total energy consumption could power the city of Houston, Texas and end up costing households an additional $1 billion in annual bills.

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[via DigitalSpy]

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