Google Launching Same-Day Delivery Service

Watch out, Amazon Prime.

March 5, 2013
Flickr image via Daniel Morris

If the rumors are true, then Google is out to eat Amazon's lunch.

According to TechCrunch's Alexia Tsotsis, the search giant is "stealthily preparing to launch" a same-day delivery service called Google Shipping Express to rival Amazon Prime. The monthly subscription will be $10-$15 cheaper, or between $64 and $69, and the service will partner with esteemed bricks-and-mortars, including Target, Walgreens and Walmart.

As Tsotsis points out, Google has an arsenal of e-commerce tools at its disposal to help make this work. Channel Intelligence, a data management platform, could help "coordinate sales and delivery," she writes, while Ontario-based BufferBox, another recent acquisition, could provide storage lockers for same-day pickup much in the way Amazon has done throughout the U.S.

[via TechCrunch]