First X-Rated App For Google Glass Removed Hours After its Release
That was quick.
Google seems to be a little shy when it comes to what they want available for their fancy new device. When the app Tits and Glass hit the Glassware hub yesterday, Google swiped it away only a few hours after it was available. There had already been a buzz around the app once word got out of its development last week, so Google made some revisions to its Platform Developer Policies that banned adult material from the Glassware hub. As you can imagine, Tits and Glass wasn't going to meet those revisions: the free app, which was developed by MiKandi, lets users share, browse, comment, and vote on their favorite x-rated content—hands free— straight from Glass.
According to their NSFW website for the app, MiKandi states that they are currently revising it to fit Google's new guidelines, which the maker says they had met until Google made the changes. Before it was all said and done, they were able to get 10,000 new visitors to their site and close to a dozen installs of the app.