Bro! Matt Damon Has a Ponytail Now

The clean-cut look is gone.

July 2, 2015
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Matt Damon appeared at a Beijing, China conference today for The Great Wall and showed off a new hairdo that made us immediately forget about the upcoming film. The formerly clean-cut actor has long, golden locks now. Dude has gone above and beyond the Leonardo DiCaprioman bun and is rocking a full-on ponytail now. In case you're having difficulty processing this information, let me spell it out more: Matt Damon has hair so long he can tie it behind his noggin.

If you still want to talk about the movie, it'll follow Damon as a mercenary in search of treasure in 15th century China. And one of the flick's sets includes a fake Great Wall that'll be used as a weapon against "otherworldly creatures," Daily Mailreports.

You can watch Damon talk about the film above, or you can just stare at his hair for a minute before replaying it to hear what he's saying. Look out for The Great Wall in theaters November 23, 2016.
