Kevin Hart Responds to Backlash After Sending Jussie Smollett Support

Kevin Hart was called out for being a hypocrite after the comedian shared his support for Jussie Smollett, the victim of a homophobic attack.

February 1, 2019
Kevin Hart in NY
Image via Getty/Daniel Zuchnik

Following the racist, homophobic attack Jussie Smollett fell victim to on Tuesday, many celebrities and fellow entertainers took to social media to extend their support for the Empire actor, including Kevin Hart.

The comedian received backlash for his public display of solidarity since people pointed out that the attack on Smollett was motivated by racism and homophobia, sentiments Hart has refused to aplogize for recently. Hart was removed from his Oscar-hosting post after tweets surfaced in which he used homophobic language, and then refused to apologize for it.

Rather than back down, Hart took to Twitter to confront those challenging the sincerity of his condolences.

Ira Madison, the host of Crooked Media's "Keep It," responded to Hart's tweet about "sending prayers" to Jussie, writing, "your funniest joke congrats." The comedian then told Madison that he apologized for his homophobic tweets and claims that he exemplifies the change people like Madison wish to see.


"I stand with a man in his time of hurt and need by giving him heart felt support and u take the time to harp on my 10yr past that I have apologized about and moved on from by being a better person. Do you want change? If so I am an example of what u want people to do...CHANGE!" Hart wrote.

However, Madison then noted the immense challenges queer people of color face on a daily basis, and reminded Hart of his lack of receptiveness when the queer community attempted to educate him.

"I “harp” because my community of black queer people face violence 365 in America," Madison wrote. "And when we tried to tell you that we weren’t trolling you but wanted to educate how your jokes lead to actions like what happened to Jussie, you went on Ellen to talk about your wheelchair movie," he continued.