'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Kylo Ren Shows His Emo Feels With Parody Twitter Account

Emo Kylo Ren gets in his feels for parody Twitter.

December 23, 2015
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Star Wars: The Force Awakens villain "Emo" Kylo Ren is not just going through a phase and he wants his mom and dad (and all of Twitter) to know that! Because we know how dangerous spoiling Star Wars can be let's just say Kylo Ren's not a sith but is as one of our own described him a "Vader groupie" (as in Darth Vader.) Kylo Ren, the type of forever alone guy to complain about being a Nice Guy and still not getting the ladies—who'd also fake a date to watch a movie—has managed to force choke over 110K followers into reading his public diary on Twitter.

Flooding the internet with his angst since Dec. 21 the black on black on black wearing (helmet included), three-pronged red lightsaber wielding Kylo Ren has tweeted about his affinity for My Chemical Romance, though he didn't specify whether it's circa I Brought You My Lightsaber Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love or Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. I'd go with the latter considering the very red and black themed Helena video. The self-described "Ren's rights activist" also likes The Catcher in the Rye, the favorite book of any emo kid back in high school, and Hot Topic where he shops for things probably including vinyls, which he prefers. According to Kylo Ren the Imperial March is way better on vinyl.

Get to know your new favorite villain with some tweets:
