Chris Pratt Sounds Pretty Over “Parks and Rec”

Chris Pratt is ready for "Parks and Rec" to be over.

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Image via Complex Original
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Chris Pratt totally owned 2014, and has rightfully been named one of GQ’s Men of the Year. First there was the awesome The Lego Movie, then there was the summer’s ginormous Guardians of the Galaxy. But before all this, there was Parks and Recreation—ending after its seventh season next year— where Pratt has been for the past few years, and apparently, he’s more than ready to move on. 

Pratt told GQ:


“I think there's a collective feeling that people are creatively spent. You kind of run out of ideas. You have to bring in a lot of guest stars and mix it up, and all of a sudden, ideas that might not have been good enough for season two—that's our episode, you know?"

Other evidence that Pratt is over the show? He reportedly shows up on set “twelve minutes before the scene starts shooting,” according to Parks co-creator, Mark Schur. And he’ll either not know his lines at all, or he’ll know them a little. But Schur spoke highly of Pratt saying: “By the time you're done with the scene, he will have done it eight different ways with eight great performances, and you'll have an embarrassment of riches.'"

This kind of behavior would paint anyone else like a douche, but this is the lovable Chris Pratt. It just seems like he’s trying to git r done and git on out.

Pratt's first post-Parks role will be in the Jurrasic Park reboot, Jurrasic World, next summer . No big deal.

[via GQ]

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