Donald Trump Now Claims Some Parts of London Are so Radicalised That "Police Are Afraid for Their Own Lives"

Remember when Fox News said Birmingham was a "Muslim-only city"?

Image via Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia Commons

After proclaiming that he’d wants to ban all Muslims from entering the USA, Donald Trump now apparently thinks that areas of London is so over-run with radicalism that police are afraid to enter them.

In similar farcical manor to when Fox News claimed that non-Muslims weren’t welcome in Birmingham earlier this year, Trump said in a campaign statement:"We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and very vigilant." He doesn’t go on to offer any information on where those areas of London might be.

There is now a campaign to have Trump banned from the UK for his “continued, unrepentant hate speech and unacceptable behaviour.” If Tyler, The Creator can be banned from the country, why not Trump? His calls to restrict Muslims from the US have been widely condemned, with even David Cameron calling them "divisive and unhelpful".

[via Sky News]

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