Megyn Kelly on GOP Debate: "If You Can't Get Past Me, How Are You Going to Handle Putin?"

Megyn Kelly went on Fox News to talk about the GOP debate.

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The back-and-forth between Donald Trump and Fox News' Megyn Kelly rages on. Over the past few days, Trump has appeared in the news to talk about his performance in the GOP debate, his first ever—and in wanting to prove he didn't take a cheap shot at Kelly during the debate, made another cheap shot at Kelly in the news. The presidential candidate has insisted that he has nothing to apologize for, and when people, including fellow candidate Carly Fiorina, called him out for being sexist, he easily denied that he meant Kelly must have been menstruating. Kelly finally chimed in when she appeared on Fox News' MediaBuzz with Howard Kurtz.

Kelly came off calm and collected as she answered Kurtz's questions about whether she meant to antagonize Trump (and the other candidates on-stage). "'Exploit' is not the word I would use but we were trying to drill down to [the candidates'] most vulnerable areas and then give them a chance to explain them," she said. "The job is to actually get past the talking points and go to the places where they might be most vulnerable," which is totally fair.

Kelly said the questions were not personal, and that she asked the questions she thought were most interesting. "You could have asked that same question on gender I did if you were a man," she told Kurtz. "I think it's a fair question." 

On the subject of whether or not she was too harsh (with the candidates in general), Kelly laughed and said, "If you can't get past me, how are you going to handle Vladimir Putin?" 

Kelly and Kurtz didn't discuss the fallout from the debate, which led to Trump being banned from attending an Republican event on Saturday. Meanwhile, Trump fired his top campaign advisor this weekend.

[via Mediaite]

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