Man Arrested After Trying to Pass Crushed Pop Tarts Off as Cocaine. To An Undercover Cop.

He was really asking for it.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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A North Carolina man who thought he was clever attempted to sell crushed Pop Tarts under the guise of cocaine. Unfortunately for him, his customer happened to be an undercover police officer. 

The man, 30-year-old Cameron Mitchell, was making a delivery to a Halifax, N.C. convenience store when the undercover officer inquired about procuring some coke. That's when authorities say that Mitchell agreed, then went to his truck and returned with the bag of crushed Pop Tarts. 

Following the $20 transaction, police field tested the contents of the bag, quickly learning that it was not cocaine. They eventually located Mitchell's delivery truck, and he explained that he made the bogus drug deal because he needed money. 

Mitchell was arrested and charged with creating and selling a counterfeit controlled substance. 

[via Gawker and WCTI]

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