Arthouse Alert: Gross-Out Double Feature with "The Fly" and "The Thing" in Los Angeles Friday (7/15)

So many different fluids hit the screen.


Gross on gross on gross: Friday night in Los Angeles get your stomach churned twice with this perfect pairing of body horror flicks. In David Cronenberg's remake of The Fly, Jeff Goodblum loses his humanity in the wake of a teleportation experiment gone awry. There's much vomiting.

In John Carpenter's The Thing, a shapeshifting alien does unspeakably terrible things to humans and dogs in the Arctic. Kurt Russell does his best to light everything on fire. 

Both these movies are classic, two of the finest horror films ever, and certainly two of the best remakes ever. Bring a barf bag.

The Fly (1986) and The Thing (1982)
Friday, July 15
7:30 p.m.
Egyptian Theatre
6712 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles

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