Arthouse Alert: Teens Slaughter Each Other in "Battle Royale," Friday in NYC

Like "Lord of the Flies." But with extra blood.


With the Asian Film Festival running in New York until July 14, there’s plenty of opportunities to see some great movies from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea and more.

With Battle Royale, American audiences will finally get a chance to see a Japanese film that has become a cult classic since it was taken off the big-screen market here upon being released. Based on the novel of the same name, the story imagines a pseudo-futuristic Japan that forces 42 high-school students to fight to the death every year on an island. It’s got elements of Lord of the Flies as well as a sprinkling of Enter the Dragon, but this is definitely its own visceral experience. Check out the trailer below, and the rest of the N.Y. Asian Film Festival's schedule here.—Finn Cohen

Battle Royale (2000)
Friday, July 8
9:15 p.m.
Japan Society
333 East 47th St., New York
Tickets $12

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