"Half-Life 2" Source Code Thief Tells All

And he somehow remains a Freeman (see what we did there?).

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Complex Original

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Eight years ago, the source code for Half-Life 2 was stolen from Valve’s servers and made available on the Internet. The scandal cost the company millions of dollars and delayed the release of one of the most highly anticipated sequels ever. We know that the story ends well—with Half-Life 2 selling over 8 million copies and Valve profiting hand over foot with their Steam service—but when these events took place, it was dark time for Gabe Newell and crew.

But who was responsible for this thieving nightmare? Details have emerged as the hacker, Axel Gembe, candidly explains his side of the story in an interview. He reveals how he got into Valve’s servers, what he was intending to do, and how remorseful he is about the nefarious deeds of his past. When asked what he would say to Gabe Newell today, Gembe replied, “It still makes me sad thinking about it. I would have loved to just stay and watch you do your thing, but in the end I screwed it up.” #staaaaalker

Creepy "I'm watching you" sentiments or not, it’s an unbelievable story that you won’t want to miss. [via Eurogamer[

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