SahBabii Confirms That Drake Will Be on the "Pull Up Wit Ah Stick" Remix

SahBabii is outta here.

February 21, 2017
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Last week, we made a P&P Update telling you that SahBabii's "Pull Up Wit Ah Stick" was about to blow up and that Drake might be on the remix. Today, we have confirmation.

Rumors were floating around that Drake had plans to jump on the Atlanta rapper's hit, and in a recent interview with Action Entertainment, SahBabii confirmed it: "He said he gonna throw a verse on that motherfucker, shit gonna go way up."

It's been a while since we've heard new music from Drake, but he has been previewing unreleased songs during his time in Europe for the Boy Meets World tour, and More Life is reportedly out March 4, so it should be interesting to see how this plays out.

Check out the full interview above, where he also talks about linking up with Young Thug, and don't forget to subscribe to the P&P YouTube for more music news.