Daily Discovery: MOTHXR

Daily Discovery: Brooklyn band Mother blends modern blues and synth rock to make an infectious blend.

Photo via Innit Recordings


Photo via Innit Recordings

Photo via Mother

Daily Discovery is a daily feature that will highlight a new or recently discovered artist that we’re excited about. See the rest of our Daily Discoveries here.

Brooklyn band Mother MOTHXR comes to us with little in the way of information (particularly considering the dubious SEO quality of their name even makes googling “Mother brooklyn band” or “Mother the band” a losing effort…unless you’re looking for this Mother). While those of us hungry for narrative morsels might bristle at the notion of the unknowable, it’s easy to forgive when the group cites influences as diverse as D’Angelo, Arthur Russell, Larry Levan, and Goblin and deliver  a song as good as the tastefully infectious debut “Easy.”

A seamless intersection of modern blues and synth rock, “Easy” is the sort of song that burrows its way into your brain and hides, only to reappear hours later as you hum a fragment, scarcely remembering what it is you’re humming before running back to your computer to piece the puzzle together.


