Video: Jacuzzi - "Exodus"

When our good friend Khal speaks on who’s up next in the world of bass music, we here at Pigeons and Planes listen. So if he champions Honolulu producer Jacuzzi’s “Exodus” as “A spectacular display for an enticing intro to one of the new breed of bass music beasts in our midst” and “a massive piece of trap excellence,” our ears are going to perk up a bit.

Sure enough, “Exodus” is an unusual animal, beginning with a two minute orchestral introduction that gives way to a thunderous trap beat. It possesses all of the subgenre’s trademarks without succumbing to some of its shortcomings: Gunshots are kept to a tasteful minimum, the low end knocks generously, and Jacuzzi never lingers on one idea for two long, making four minutes feel epic in scope without overstaying its welcome. Wake up the neighbors and make them think they’re in the midst of some sort of hip-hop inspired alien invasion with “Exodus.”

(Do Androids Dance)
