G.O.O.D. Music Affiliate Malik Yusef Attempts to Explain Kanye's Trump Comments

"Kanye is an enigmatic creature."

It's been a rollercoaster of a week for Kanye West fans. Stirring up controversy through his support for hard-right pundits like Candace Owens while also expressing his "love" for Donald Trump just days after confirming the release date for his new album, Kanye's dramatic return to Twitter has been a lot to take in all at once.

G.O.O.D. Music affiliate Malik Yusef previously said Kanye would address his pro-Trump comments, and boy did he. Now Yusef has sat down with AllHipHop to discuss the whole situation, giving his thoughts on everything that went down on Twitter the past week. When asked about what's going on, he immediately responded, "Kanye is an enigmatic creature," which is putting it lightly.

"Kanye is an amalgamation of a bunch of peoples in his life. The influences of his father, his mother," he explained. "Not just his father but his side of the family, the Civil Rights Movement - his father- and The Black Panthers or affiliated with the Panthers. His mother, with the Civil Rights Movement as he alluded to. At 6-years old, at the sit-ins."

His comments only go more in-depth and philosophical from there, with him questionably adding, "Genius registers on the autism scale, like me. Autism is part of my genius. Genius is part of my autism, you know? Where do you have time to study politics Genius registers on the autism scale, like me. Autism is part of my genius. Genius is part of my autism, you know? Where do you have time to study politics when you are thrust into a world where people think you are politically astute?"

He reiterates that Kanye has never been clear about his political stance, explaining, "'Malik, what's the difference between a Republican and Democrat?' That's a real question he asked." 

Yusef explains that he's only more recently taken an interest in politics. "As he got into the world with the political thing, he’s like 'OK well let me see what I like.' What does Kanye like? Well, Kanye likes people that speak their mind. That’s what he aspires to be calling somebody that says what the fuck they want to say.  [...] He’s like, 'I know that you disagree with me, Malik. I know that you do.' Because I don’t like Donald Trump and I don’t hate Donald Trump either."

What he has to say about the whole situation doesn't clarify 'Ye's recent show of love for the current President, but Yusef has been quick to point out, even as a Republican, he doesn't 100% agree with Kanye. "Now Candace Owens, she's clownish to me," he explains. "I think Candace Owens is a clown. She’s misinformed and she’s misinforming people. She has a jaundiced view on things. A couple fact checks will help her out. Most people don’t want facts, Chuck. They want their beliefs fortified."

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