Lil Yachty Describes His Weird AF Dream About Troy Ave on Twitter

Lil Yachty had a super weird dream about Troy Ave, and shared the whole thing on Twitter.

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Image via Complex Original
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Aquatic poet Lil Yachty, just like you and everyone you know, sometimes has weird AF dreams. However, unlike your struggle crew's attempts at dream journaling, Yachty knows that taking to the high seas of Twitter to unleash one's latest weird AF dream (nightmare?) is the only way to go.

Wait so guys can I tell u about my dream last night?

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

According to Yachty, Sunday's inspired bout of REM sleep tossed the cloud rap master into a story that somehow involves Troy Ave, BB guns, and a low-key RiFFĀ RAFF reference. Pro tip: Strap in for this shit. There's a lot going on.

Ok so basically Troy Ave had tweeted he wanted to snatch my chain and knowing me I wasn't gonna let a nigga just tweet that so I snapped bck

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

So me and perry comes to New York for a show and Troy Ave gets word so we get told Troy ave puts a hit on us lmao

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

So for some reason everybody in my dream starts to look and sound like Troy ave as were in the lobby. So I have my manager check us in

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

Dream Yachty has a Troy Ave-instigated hit on him, which apparently leads to some sort of a confrontation in the lobby of an unnamed New York venue with people who, in true dream fashion, "look and sound like" Troy Ave. What's the move, Dream Yachty? Blue pill or red pill?

And we secretly run to our rooms but we have pent house suites so the elevator kept stopping at each floor and each floor Troy Ave would..

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

Hitters so we had to fight out way thru each hotel floor so before the elevator door opens my DJ gives me and perry guns

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

So we think that we're straight then we notice our guns have orange tips and that there BB guns so then we know that we're fucked..

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

But Dream Yachty has a plan: black Sharpies.

so we quickly search our bangs for black sharpies to color in the orange tips so they look like real guns ya kno? Lol so we find them and..

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

As were sitting on the elevator floor coloring the gun tips the elevator starts to move up as if someone in the hotel had pressed the button

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

So the elevator goes to the floor and 7-8 guys wit durags and big baggy clothes were waiting facing the opposite way at the elevator waitin

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

Goddamnit. What now? Well, first we need a nice slice of exposition:

*ok first off* let me tell you every Troy ave hitter had the bag guest clothes like it was def jam fight for ny lmfao like idk why just wtf

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

Then on to seeminglyĀ RiFF RAFF-ierĀ things:

Anyways we sneak out the elevator tip toeing in our Jordan's past the guys then they turn around and spot us turning corner so we take off

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

In a move that noted twist-lover M. Night Shyamalan would fucking love, Dream Yachty flips the script right at the end:

Then we gotta jump in the emergency stare way. Like somethings gotta give

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

To make a long story short we never saw Troy ave and he wasn't really worried bout us we was just paranoid lmao

— C.V Thomas (@lilyachty) June 6, 2016

Note to everyone: start tweeting your dreams.

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