Doug Jones’s Gay Son Gave Mike Pence the Ultimate Side-Eye

Carson Jones nailed the art of the side-eye in a photo with Mike Pence.

Mike Pence waves as he walks towards the House chamber
Image via Getty/Alex Wong
Mike Pence waves as he walks towards the House chamber

Three weeks after Democrat Doug Jones beat Roy Moore in the race for the Alabama Senate, he came face to face with Mike Pence for the swearing-in ceremony. So did his son, Carson Jones, who happens to be gay. In a photo of the three, Carson expresses what everyone else is thinking about Pence without saying a word. We think it's safe to say he's nailed the art of the side-eye.

A photo of him subtly staring Pence down is making its rounds on the internet, including on Carson's own Instagram. "#Dougjones#swearingin #washingtondc #capitol#wemadeit #nocaptionneeded," he captioned it. 

Pence has an abysmal record for LGBT rights. He opposes same-sex marriage, has proposed reallocating HIV prevention funds for conversion therapy and signed a "religious freedom" bill letting business owners in Indiana discriminate against LGBT people. Trump once reportedly joked that his vice president "wants to hang" all gay people. 

So, the internet is giving Carson props for his covert but clear shading. We're not sure what's going through his head, but people can imagine.

Photo of the decade: Doug Jones being sworn in, while his openly gay son QUIETLY DISINTEGRATES THE SOUL OF MIKE PENCE.

— Derek Milman (@DerekMilman) January 4, 2018

If you burn the picture of Carson Jones staring at Mike Pence over a bowl full of lube, white gay man appears to thank Madonna for the invention of Voguing.

— Phillip (@MajorPhilebrity) January 4, 2018

We are all Carson Jones. 😒

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) January 4, 2018

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