Twitter Users Clap Back at Columbus Day With #IndigenousPeoplesDay

Celebrities and activists are speaking out against Columbus Day on Twitter with #IndigenousPeoplesDay.

October 10, 2016
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Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Government entities and public schools around the country are closed Monday in commemoration of Columbus Day, but many are angry that this day is a holiday to begin with. Speaking out against the genocide, rape, and colonization that was spearheaded by Christopher Columbus' accidental arrival to what is now the United States, celebrities, activists, and others are decrying the day on Twitter.

The hashtag #IndigenousPeoplesDay has also been trending on Twitter as part of the effort to get rid of a day celebrating a known genocidal colonizer, and instead refocus the day on Native peoples, cultures, and histories:


The fight against the celebration of Columbus Day has been a long and difficult one, but each year it seems the issue gets more and more mainstream attention. With the recent Native protests and activist work against the Dakota Access oil pipeline and voices raised against the legacy of Columbus on a day set aside to celebrate him, the work to undo the glorification of Columbus marches on.