Why Ivanka Trump Is Catching Heat for Her Tweet About Women's History Month

Ivanka's message was met with some well-placed online heat.

This is a photo of Ivanka Trump.

Image via Getty/Mandel Ngan

This is a photo of Ivanka Trump.

Twitter is having their way with Ivanka Trump following the first daughter’s tweet about Women’s History Month. To be fair, coming from almost any other source, the tweet was mostly fine. However, considering, well...everything about her father, the message was met with some well-placed online heat.

As we celebrate #WomensHistoryMonth we reflect on women’s incredible contributions to our Nation. We honor women’s legacy of achievements—from pioneering innovations & strengthening our communities to leading in business & politics. Women write America’s proud & thriving history.

— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) March 1, 2018

For a self-described champion of women, Ivanka has done little to empower or enable women during her 14 months as one of her father’s top advisors. There’s also the fact that Ivanka’s own mother, Ivana, testified in 1989 that her ex-husband and our current president made her “feel violated during sex,” and yet Ivanka continues to defend him against that and other allegations.

It was just days ago that she defended her father against such claims in an interview with NBC’s Peter Alexander. When Alexander asked if she believed her father’s accusers, Ivanka said it was a “pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter if she believes the accusers of her father when he’s affirmatively stated there’s no truth to it.”

Quite understandably, a lot of Twitter users are finding it hard to ignore the hypocrisy of Ivanka's comments given the context in which they were delivered.

Meanwhile in Canada… Trudeau gives Canada first cabinet with equal number of men and women | World news | The Guardian https://t.co/Pn2bPG1R2M

— Forever Logical đź–– (@ForeverLogical) March 1, 2018


— BeaglesResist (@BeaglesResist) March 1, 2018

Your dad raped your mom and it's public record. Thoughts on how this fits into #WomensHistoryMonth barbie princess?

— Treason Stickers (@treasonstickers) March 1, 2018


— Mark D Anderson (@MDAnderson314) March 1, 2018

Dear Princess Complicit pic.twitter.com/tVd8qpYN58

— Seana Lyn (@SeanaLyn) March 1, 2018

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