This Abandoned Summer Bucket List Has Inspired the Internet

The ambitious list includes everything from "buy Ray-Bans" to "get boob hickey" to "get crossfaded 17 times."

This is a photo of summer.

Image via Getty/George Rose

This is a photo of summer.

This might be the best thing anyone has ever found in an Urban Outfitters.

While shopping at the store’s Pittsburgh location Friday, a woman and her friend discovered a hand-written list inside one of the dressing rooms. The paper was titled “Summer Bucket List 2017,” and included a random and wild list of short-term goals. It included entries like taking a road trip, hitting up the beach, giving two blowjobs, having sex, going on a picnic, getting crossfaded 17 times, posting eight “hoe pics” on Instagram, and eating cotton candy. See, not all young people lack ambition.

The UO employee took a photo of the list and was passed along to his friends. The image eventually made its way to Sarah Sams, a student at Robert Morris University, who then shared the photo on Twitter with the intention of making it go viral. 

Did she not blow jacob when they hooked up? Or have sex? Or is this in addition to Jacob? Or the definition of hookup has changed.

“I wanted it to go viral because if she lost it, at least if it were on the internet maybe she would come across it and get it back,” Sams told Complex via email. “People were really mad I wanted to find her, but it was out of genuinely pure good intentions.”

Less than a day after it was posted, the tweet had received nearly 5,000 retweets, more than 18,000 likes, and 800 replies. It’s no surprise the “Summer Bucket List 2017” has been met with applause, awe, criticism, and a lot of questions.

I can't decide if this child has a staggering amount of energy, or she's just way over-ambitious...

— Helen Noble đź‘€ Needs Novavax! ⚖️ (@BoobPunchTina) July 15, 2017

Girl needs to learn how to manage her list. Easy stuff first, build momentum. Eat the damn cotton candy. You may or may not find giraffe!

— Lorraine Edmond đź’™ (@Lorraine_E) July 15, 2017

Is 'randyland' a place or a feeling? 🤔

— Ethan Harvey (@ethanharv) July 15, 2017

My heart goes out to the fact she hasn't had a pedicure yet and we're halfway through summer...

— Liz Ladewig (@lifeandlizdom) July 15, 2017

"Get drunk all the time" is checked and it's only mid July. Check yourself girl

— Levi (@LeviSeifert) July 14, 2017


— Paul Campbell Blue Checkmark (@ThePaulCampbell) July 15, 2017

I know everyone is making fun of this but hell, I'm 50 and i'd probably have 75% of these on a ist if I made one.

— Beth S. (@PolkaDotFoxTrot) July 15, 2017

Urban Outfitters? Hmmmm. The handwriting looks familiar

— Liddell (@billliddell) July 15, 2017

Many have speculated it belongs to a young girl living Pittsburgh. People have assumed the writer is female based on entries like “get a boob hickey” and “buy seven bikinis.” There’s also several references to Pittsburgh venues and fixtures, such as the Stage AE complex and Randyland.

Though the gender and location of the writer have been generally agreed upon, many people are torn about the person’s age. And understandably so. With goals like “have a lemonade stand w/ Zoe” on the same list as “get drunk all the time” (which has already been checked off), it’s hard to determine how old the writer is. We’ll just say somewhere between 12 and 48.

Sams claims she has attempted to track the individual down.

"My immediate reaction is that I feel bad she lost the list, but I'm so happy I got to see it because it's pure gold. [...] I tried, and I tried tweeting at Urban Outfitters to help me," she wrote. "I had to delete the (Urban Outfitters) tweet though because people thought I was trying to 'expose,' when in reality I just wanted to help her get her list back."

Whoever you are Summer Bucket List girl, you've just inspired tons of people to write their own unfiltered checklists. Clap for her.

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