
In wartime it is crucial to know when to advance and when to retreat, playboys. I will keep this short and sweet since there is simply nothing left for me to explain about this situation to those of your who have heard my previous barks. I have recently gone after Kid Cudi and Lupe Fiasco, but a big dog also knows that fuccbois will ultimately battle and wound themselves. I chose to expose some of the weakness in their offense and many of you cadet's got upset about my methods of attack. Too bad. My condemnation was swift, direct and actively aggressive and not passively aggressive or similar to some of the prepubescent praise that I heard. This was the best method of striking, my good men, and that is what I decided on. Again, passive aggressive is simply the way of the fuccboi, PLEASE do net let it be your way. This twitter exchange you see before you is all the proof you playas will ever need to know that wackness is a weakness that rapidly crumbles down upon on itself. A master doesn't beat you, he let's you beat yourself and you simply cooperate. What's the score, you ask? The outcome is typically 0-0 when everybody loses.

Scooby Wu is a private investigator usually seen sauntering in the streets of London and pissing on the doorstep of 221B Baker St. London NW1 6XE England. You can troll him in the comments below and follow him on Twitter here.

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