Draught Dry Goods Murdered It Again With Collection No. 6


WOOO! DRAUGHT DRY GOODS JUST FUCKING MURDERED IT AGAIN. The varsities, the attention to detail, the murdered out New England Outerwear boots—shit is fire, my guys. I don't even care to hear your opinions on the matter. RES JUDICATA, BITCHES. I love when designers add small details just for the wearer. That "nah" cross patch on the inside? FUCK YEAH, DRAUGHT DRY GOODS. Seriously, all I want to do is cop one of these varsities and just, like, sell drugs with my girl, creating a small, but extremely profitable fiefdom built upon vacuum sealed bags of organic marijuana. Don't worry, we'd donate, like, 40% of our profits to local charities once we made our first 6 figures. I'm not greedy. I just don't want to have to work extremely hard to make a ton of cash.

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