Yung Tumblr GIF

May 9, 2013
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


Nomad just got these Robert Geller sunglasses back in stock and I haven’t been this excited about a re-up since We Got It For Cheap Vol. 2. They’re inspired by Marcello Mastroianni, an Italian actor who starred in a bunch of Fellini—AKA Yung Tumblr GIF—flicks. If you’re wondering why your Snapchat game’s been slipping with that film school girl you got seated next to at Joe’s Shanghai, it’s probably because she’s remembering all the Bad Boyz II quotes you were dropping with a mouth full of dumplings. 4Pinz got your back though, B. Just send her a pic of you wearing these shades, while watching and get that DSLR ready cause she’s gonna reply with a pic you’re gonna want to save "for future reference".