Watch What Happens When This Guy Calls Terry Richardson a "Creep" to His Face
This guy stops Terry Richardson on the street to ask him something very important.
Terry Richardson has been at the center of a number of sexual abuse scandals that have accused the photographer of pressuring models to perform sexual acts. So, when one guy gets the chance to take a shot at the photographer, he does not hesitate.
Richardson appears to be minding his own business, riding his bike, when Vine user Jeff Leach approaches him. The Vine, which is captioned "Fuck you @Terry_World you rapey creep #TerryRichardson #rapist #CurtisLeporeOfPhotography" (the last refers to a Vine star that was accused of rape), shows Leach walking up to Richardson and asking him very bluntly, "What's it like to be an absolute creep?"
Watch the Vine above to see how Richardson responds to the run-in.