The Cliff House by Modscape Gives New Meaning to the Phrase "Living on the Edge"

This conceptual design shows an incredible 5-level home built on the face of a cliff.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Australian-based architectural firm Modscape found inspiration in the way barnacles cling to the sides of ships and turned that idea into one of the craziest conceptual designs we have ever seen.

Known as the Cliff House, the design shows a house built literally on the face of a cliff above the ocean. The structure gets smaller as it goes down and features a predominately glass exterior so that the inhabitants can see the beautiful and treacherous waters below. There is a garage on the "roof" and an elevator that goes through each of the four rooms.



We were thinking exactly what you're thinking right now, that this would be virtually impossible to pull off. Modscape acknowledges on their blog that building on the side of a cliff "would make conventional construction prohibitive," but they specialize in modular design and prefab tech that write that they could "deliver a series of stacked modules that are anchored into the cliff face using engineered steel pins." 

Architects have found ways to build homes on hills and other tricky terrain, so we're sure that this could become a reality someday, we just aren't sure we want to be in that first wave of homebuyers when it does happen.

[via Designboom]

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