Whole Squad Verified


6876 teamed up with The Fourness to revise their MDC jacket that first debuted sometime in 2007. This is a perfect early spring coat. It's made from 100% cotton with big ass underarm vents, so there's no way you should turn into a clammy mess while wearing this jacket on that day that has a projected 15% chance of rain aka just good enough of a reason to wear a coat when it's 70 degrees outside. The fire nature of this coat aside, the real reason I picked it is because it's blue and, unless you guys have been living under a fucking rock, you know that LAS, our overlord and savior, just got that blue check next to his name now, which makes me the only member of the squad lacking verified status. Skylar was smart enough to leave his old job only after he copped his and 4P proper is now super official too. SMFH I feel like the designated gat man/weed carrier of the group. But whatever, I'm cool with being the Shyne Po of the Pins. I mean, imagine if Biggie had Shyne back in '97.

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