So Gangster, So Poor


Wow, this Han Kjobenhavn half-zip (though, more like a quarter-zip, amirite?) sweatshirt is kind of out there. But it's all in how you style it. Maybe don't wear it all that tight, but instead a little loosey-goosey. Wear it underneath your really fancy Editor Coat™. Or maybe on its own with some shorts and leggings. You will look v futuristic. I'm a big fan of half-zips like this. I very much enjoy wearing my chain underneath, with the zipper undone and then, when I casually tie my shoes, it falls out and I guarantee the receptionist at my dentist's office is like, "OH MY, HE IS SO GANGSTER." She probably also thinks shit like, "OH MY, HE SO POOR. HIS INSURANCE PLAN IS BASICALLY 'HOPE YOU DON’T GET SICK! J/K LOL.'" Impress your dentist's reception with a $170 sweatshirt that looks exactly like the one you're wearing in a photo taken 15 years ago, where you're standing next to some sort of giant mascot and you can still see the terror and confusion in your young eyes when you realized that Daffy Duck was as tall as fucking Shaq and couldn't even speak despite observing YEARS of evidence to the contrary on television.

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