Martin Parr's Latest Exhibition Celebrates the Difficulty of Vacation

Time off.

We all crave time off. However, often, vacations are as stressful as time at home. The drive to collect memories and notch cultural belts doesn't support the need for rest.

Photographer Martin Parr skillfully captures this conundrum in his latest exhibition, titled Time Off. Held at Rocket Gallery in London, the show features just six prints. All are shots taken from the artist's own travels through Asia and Europe.

The gallery says the works show subjects, ""preoccupied with appreciating the world around them. No one is totally relaxed; whether or not they are aware of the camera capturing their interactions. There is a restless search for achievements, or reflections, that are just out of reach. Purchasing a tourist souvenir will not offer comfort here".

Time Off is on view through February 9, 2013.

Rocket, Tea Building, 56 Shoreditch High Street, London

[via Creative Review]

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