Coolest Art We've Seen All Day: Heath Satow's 9/11 Sculpture, "Reflect"

3,000 stainless steel doves send a message of peace, 10 years after 9/11.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that changed our country forever.  Artist and sculptor Heath Satow built and recently finished a 9/11 memorial sculpture, called "Reflect," crafted fom over 3,000 stainless steel doves welded together to form two large hands sending messages of peace and forgiveness. Lying in the palm of these hands is part of one of the i-beams from the World Trade Center Towers. The sculpture was erected and didicated in Rosemea, CA. and the $60,000 art project was financed with donations and money raised by events. [LA Times + design boom]

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