Did Antonio Brown Take a Shot at Jason Pierre-Paul With a Subtweet About Fireworks Safety?
Twitter lost it after Antonio Brown appeared to subtweet Jason Pierre-Paul about fireworks safety.
If anyone knows the value of fireworks safety, it’s Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul. Exactly one year ago today, JPP lost a portion of his right hand, including parts of several fingers, as a result of a fireworks accident. It likely cost him millions of dollars, and there’s a very good chance that he’ll never be the same player he was before the accident again. It’s why JPP filmed a fireworks safety PSA recently and agreed to show off his mangled hand in it.
Early Monday morning, Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown sent out a fireworks safety PSA of his own, and it has some people wondering if he was subtweeting JPP in the process. Brown—who has been known to mix it up with his fellow NFL players on social media—took to Twitter to send out this message:
And while it probably wouldn’t have attracted much attention prior to JPP’s tragic accident, Brown’s tweet got quite a response on Twitter with most people suggesting that he was taking aim at JPP with his PSA. Here is how Twitter responded to his tweet:
There’s obviously a chance that Brown did not mean to send a shot at JPP with his tweet. But he had to know Twitter was going to take this and run with it, right?