Foot Locker Testing Same-Day Delivery in California

How Foot Locker is trying to get shoes to you faster.

Foot Locker Testing Same-Day Deliver in California

For the first time in company history, Foot Locker is testing same-day / next-day delivery at five locations in California, with plans to expand to all 1,300 stores across the U.S. and Canada is it proves to be successful.

The service is being provided by crowdsourced delivery company Deliv. Two Foot Lockers in Los Angeles, two in San Jose and one in San Francisco are taking part in the trial.

With Deliv’s API integrated into, shoppers will be able to choose same or next-day delivery from the California stores for $5. They also have the option of picking up at a local location.

Here’s a few more tidbits about Foot Locker x Deliv, courtesy of Mike O’Brien and Multi Channel Merchant:

When an order comes in, the Deliv optimization engine receives information about the destination, customer and requested delivery window. It then matches one of Deliv’s crowdsourced drivers nearby to the order in real time and determines the most optimal delivery route. The item purchased is brought by a mall employee to a central collection point in the mall, usually a concierge desk.

The fact that multiple items are collected at each location and given to drivers en masse leads to economies of scale that allow retailers to charge $5 for the Deliv service. Customers get confirmation by email or text that the delivery is on the way, including a picture of the driver. They can also click on a visual map to see where the driver is.

Customers can accept their delivery via digital signature on the Deliv app. They can also rate the driver and the experience and recommend it to a friend.

What do you think of this affordable same-day ship option possibly heading to Foot Locker? Besides getting your shoes quicker, how else do you see the service helping or hurting the shoe game? We'll keep you updated with details on expansion.

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