10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Gym Membership

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Despite what some people say, working out away from the gym isn't the kiss of death. Whether its working out right in your living room or running along a scenic route, there's plenty to be said for ditching the gym.  Don't believe us? Read along for our reasons why.

Stephen Fiorentine is a freelance writer from Long Island. He loves his New York Giants and Yankees, as well as Cool Ranch Doritos. Follow him on Twitter.

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There are much more scenic places to workout.

To be honest, the gym is kind of a drag. Ditch the mirrors and ugly bright paint jobs for a more scenic setting like the beach, park, trail or even just around the neighborhood. Heck, even working out in your living room has to be more aesthetically pleasing than the hot, sweaty fogged up windows the gym presents you with.

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You'll save a ton of money without a gym membership.

Why pay to workout when you can do it for free? Monthly gym memberships can add up, especially if you're on a budget. Do yourself a favor and put that money towards groceries, rent or even just treating yourself by just working out from home instead.

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You'll never have to worry about being the next gym fail meme.

We're all prone to making mistakes, but when a gym fail happens we can't help ourselves but laugh. When you workout outside of the gym, though, chances are a lot slimmer that someone will see you embarrass yourself should something happen.

Image via Joy Reactor

You can save a lot of of time and travel, too.

Without a gym membership, you can literally roll out of bed or just walk out the door to start your workout. Also, by not belonging to a gym, you won't be stuck to their schedule. If you want a late night or early morning workout session, you won't have to worry about if the gym is open or not.

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Science shows working out outside gives you more energy.

It's true. A 2009 study found that being outside for just 20 minutes can give you the same energy boost as a cup of coffee can. Why be stuck in that energy-zapping blackhole that is the gym, when you can be fortified with fresh air?

Image via Huffington Post

You'll never have to worry about how you look.

Forget the fancy gym outfit, when you workout at home you can wear the same go-to t-shirt and shorts that's been getting the job done for years.

Image via Funny or Die
Image via Funny or Die

People who don't know what they are doing can't get in your way.

Is there anything more annoying in the gym than people using the equipment incorrectly? When you workout at home, outside or on the road there is none of that nonsense.

Image via Her Campus

You'll never have to hear a meathead grunting way too loudly again.

Actually, there is something more annoying. It's the guy who grunts too loudly while clanging and banging the weights way too aggressive. When working out at home, you'll never have to hear that again. Unless you are that guy, of course.

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You can focus on what you actually want to get done.

You may go to the gym with a certain agenda on your mind, but many different factors can dictate what you actually get done. Outside the gym there's no crowd or lack of equipment that can hold you back.

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You'll never have to share equipment!

Call us selfish, but we hate it when we have to wait for a machine or a piece of equipment that's currently in use. When you workout outside of the gym, you'll never have to deal with a machine hogger again.

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