Video // New Balance "Excellent Makers" - NB Flimby Factory

Part of their "Excellent Makers" series, New Balance shines a spotlight on the faces working at the NB factory in Flimby, United Kingdom.

words // Brennan Hiro Williams

New Balance recently launched a new series of online videos called "Excellent Makers," following different craftsmen, athletes and artists in and around the New Balance brand. The Flimby video (presented below) shines a spotlight on the faces working at the NB factory in Flimby, United Kingdom. The insightful spot should give you a greater appreciation for the people behind the shoes we all wear. 

"Every day we have the opportunity to make excellent happen. Excellent makers are not defined by success, wealth, or status, but by a passion for what they do. These craftsmen, athletes, artists, and musicians believe in sharing their inspired vision with everyone and everything they touch."

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