These Smart Sneakers Heat Themselves and Auto-Lace

Take that Marty McFly.

Smart Sneakers
Images via Mashable


Smart Sneakers

by Brendan Dunne

What's better than sneakers that lace themselves? Sneakers that lace themselves and also have a built-in heating system for cold days.

This futuristic shoe, spotted by Mashable at CES 2016, has those capabilities. Wearers can control the Digitsole Smartshoe with a smartphone app that allows them to heat the shoes up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit and tighten or loosen them.  


On the subtler side is Digitsole's upcoming Harrison Warm sneaker, seen below, which features the warming tech in a more inconspicuous build. There's also a women's pump featuring the tech on the way.

Watch for the Digitsole Smartshoe to launch in September for around $450.



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