Pharrell Comments on adidas Collaboration, adidas = Pharrell

Since the initial announcement, we haven't heard any new details about the partnership — until now.

adidas = Pharrell

words // Brandon Richard

It's been a little more than a month since adidas officially announced its new partnership with Grammy winning producer and modern fashion icon Pharrell Williams. Set to launch this summer, Williams' collection will include pieces made of material from Bionic Yard, a company that produces yarns and fabrics from recycled plastic.

Since the initial announcement, we haven't heard any new details about the partnership — until now.

In an interview with W Magazine, Pharrell briefly spoke about his upcoming collection, which will be called adidas = Pharrell.

“I have a new clothing collaboration with adidas,” Pharrell told W. “And it’s called adidas = Pharrell Williams. I know I can’t trademark the equal sign, and that’s fine with me because, you know what? It’s just…equal. The ‘Happy’ video is about equality; my music is about equality, and being associated with the idea of equal got me where I am now.”

So, no images yet, but we do have a name and that's a pretty good start. Pharrell also noted that the name of the collection inspired the equal sign you may have spotted on his custom Stan Smtihs.

Keep it locked to Sole Collector for all adidas = Pharrell updates.

adidas = Pharrell

adidas = Pharrell

image via Rob Kim for Getty

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