Jeremy Renner Was Disappointed In His Role As Hawkeye In “The Avengers”

And we can't blame him.

August 8, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

The large cast of heroes in The Avengers was both a blessing and a curse for the movie. On one hand, comic fans finally got to see all of their favorite spandex-clad characters on screen together for the first time. However, there were also a few actors that got pushed to the side in favor of large action scenes and some scenery chewing from Robert Downey Jr.

And no character exemplified this better than Hawkeye, who was played by Jeremy Renner. In a recent interview with the L.A. Times, the actor talked about his disappointment with his part in the movie.


Renner isn’t completely off base with these statements. Hawkeye was so inconsequential to the overall plot of the movie that it was almost pointless for him to be there at all. Renner does hold out hope that the sequel will flesh out his character even more, though. Let's hope so because the latest Hawkeye comic that Marvel just launched from writer Matt Fraction and artist David Aja proves what a great character he is if handled properly.

[via The L.A. Times]