Pierce Brosnan Played the Greatest N64 Game Ever With Jimmy Fallon

Pierce Brosnan played "GoldenEye 007" on N64 with Jimmy Fallon


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Let's just get this out of the way now: If you don't think GoldenEye 007 was the best Nintendo 64 game of all time, you're wrong. So we can't blame Jimmy Fallon for letting his inner child take over on The Tonight Show and asking Pierce Brosnan to play the legendary game with him. In fact, we'd be rather upset if he wasted that opportunity. 

Brosnan admits he's only played the game once and gets utterly annihilated by Fallon. Jimmy isn't even that good himself, but his opponent struggles to even pick up a gun. 

This kind of moment is exactly why Fallon is so loveable. You can tell he's genuine in nerding out about something every 90s kid (no Buzzfeed) has likely fantasized about. 

[via NBC]

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