"Love & Hip Hop" Star Testifies the Obvious: Reality Shows Are Fake

How will we move on?

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Image via Complex Original
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Reality TV is bullshit. We know this. You know this. The people involved in reality shows know this. It's just left officially unconfirmed because getting rid of the illusion, as poorly kept as it is, would just ruin the fun.

Unlike us, the courts aren't down with keeping up the facade for fun's sake. Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star Joseline Hernandez recently gave testimony confirming the obvious falsity of reality shows. Hernandez is being sued for allegedly attacking co-star Althea Eaton during the most recent reunion show. 

Here's Hernandez's non-earth-shattering statement given under oath, obtained by TMZ

With reality TV, it's mostly...it's called 'reality,' but it's a lot of acting in the reality world. And I say that because a lot of the girls that's on the show, they act. And so, it's a lot of acting in a reality TV show, whether it's Love & Hip Hop or another show...The reality TV show showcases a lot of who we are not, and I say that because it's just like, you never know what happens in a reality TV, you know? I mean, they'll showcase your music, they'll showcase certain things, but that's not who Joseline Hernandez is.

How do we move on from here? By pretending it never happened, of course. 


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