Bear Grylls Proposed to His Wife with a Ring Nestled Between His Butt Cheeks

Bear Grylls said he proposed to his wife while naked and hid the ring in between in his butt cheeks.

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Bear Grylls proposed to his wife in the most Bear Grylls way possible. The British TV survivalist told Piers Morgan the story of his engagement, and it involves skinny dipping and hiding the ring between what we assume are his very tight butt cheeks. 

"I pulled out the ring from my butt cheeks," Grylls said on Piers Morgan's Life Stories. "She was standing there going, 'What are you doing?' She was in a towel and a massive Atlantic roller came and I went, 'Will you...'—and it went—took me up to the beach. I had all the seaweed and I was spinning around. So I tried it again and in this sort of moment of heavy sedation she said yes."

That's true love right there. Gross, too-much-information true love. Good luck beating that level of commitment. 



[via Uproxx​]

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