Step Inside Kerwin Frost's Mind in The Coca Cola Dreamworld Experience

Kerwin Frost and Coca-Cola collaborated to create a Dreamworld that takes a peek inside the multi-hyphenate's brain and give's users a chance to do the same.

Coca Cola Dreamworld About Me Page

Image via Complex

Coca Cola Dreamworld About Me Page

Have you ever wanted to step inside of Kerwin Frost’s mind? The multi-hyphenate Harlem native has made a name for himself by being himself. His creativity, whether in music, fashion or sneakers, always takes on a fresh and thought-provoking perspective. To capture that genius, Frost and Coca-Cola Dreamworld collaborated to create a version of what his dream world would look like.

This virtual playground takes its cues from the Coca-Cola Dreamworld limited edition, which allows consumers to traverse through the surreal and imaginary realms. Kerwin and Dreamworld are inviting you to come in and explore this digital playground and customize the way you see fit. Let your imagination run wild!

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