A Writer is Offering Money to Any Journalist Who Asks Trump About Wakanda

The people need answers.

This is a photo of Donald Trump.

Image via Getty/Nicholas Kamm

This is a photo of Donald Trump.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump isn’t a gifted geographer. Even when he knows where somewhere is, he’s ignorant about the people who live there (cc: Trump's recent shithole comments). One writer is taking advantage of Trump's ignorance by challenging journalists to question Donald Trump about Wakanda, the fictional country in Marvel's Black Panther. She’s offering $300 to any journalist up for the task.

I love @SaraJBenincasa 's idea. I'd love to get Trump's opinion on countries like Wakanda & Zamunda.
Does he have a good relationship with king Jaffe Joffer?
Who is the ambassador to Wakanda?
Do we have an embassy there?
Does Trump even know?
These questions keep me up at night.

— MVP (@The305MVP) January 14, 2018

Sara Benincasa, the writer offering up the reward, provided a few stipulations for taking on the job. To receive the reward “you must be a journalist who gets both the question and the answer on video.” Benincasa decided to name her challenge #wakandagate. “This is your Frost/Nixon moment my babies,” she encourages.

Others Black Panther fans on Twitter chimed in with their support of Benincasa’s proposition. Hopefully one brave journalist will be up for the task. "Does he have a good relationship with king Jaffe Joffer?" @the305MVP tweeted. "These questions keep me up at night." The people need answers. 

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