Colbert on Samsung: 'My Phone Is Blowing Up' Has a New Meaning

Stephen Colbert used his monologue to address the recent Samsung recall, after Galaxy phones literally started blowing up.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Stephen Colbert isn't giving Samsung a break when it comes to its Galaxy Note 7 phones, which, if you haven't heard, were recalled recently over safety concerns and have reportedly done things like explode in kids' hands and catch people's cars on fire.

During his Late Show monologue on Friday, Colbert went in on the product, and people who continue to use it despite the warnings.

"I have a special message for anyone watching tonight's show on their Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Run for your lives," Colbert said. "Because yesterday, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission officially recalled the Galaxy Note 7 telling consumers to immediately stop using and power down their phones, to which American's replied, "What? Excuse me, I'm on the phone. Would you mind?"


Don't worry though, Colbert saved some for Apple as well, zeroing in on the number one complaint that everyone has about the iPhone 7.

"When it was launched last month, the Galaxy 7 was hailed as probably the greatest smartphone of all time, with great features like wraparound glass, an iris scanner for unlocking the phone with your eyes, and something called a ... headphone jack? I hope I'm reading that correctly."

Colbert must not have too much of a problem with Apple's latest, though. He pulled out an iPhone 7 from his jacket and whispered "I love you" to it.

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