Facebook’s Finally Doing Something About Those Annoying Candy Crush Invites

Facebook's fixing its most annoying feature.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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After years of letting Facebook users be tortured (and depressed!) by pointless notifications for game invitations—only slightly worse than notifications from that one acquaintance inviting you to see their struggle band play—Mark Zuckerberg has decided to put an end to this problem. Sure, no one uses Facebook anymore, but that doesn’t mean they won’t stop trying. 

During a town hall meeting at New Delhi’s Indian Institute of Technology, one crowd member read a question to Zuckerberg, which she prefaced as being “serious,” before asking “I seriously don’t want to get anymore invitations on Candy Crush. How can I stop getting it?” Agreeing with the question, the crowd laughed and cheered. We’ve all had our fair share of FarmVille, Mafia Wars, Criminal Case, and Pool, invites, right? 

Zuckerberg responded, “I sent a message to the person who runs the team in charge of our developer platform…There are some tools that are kind of outdated that allow people to send invitations to people who've never used a game, who have gotten invitations in the past but don't play games on Facebook." I, for one, never played any of those games, so seeing those notifications pop up is particularly irritating.

"We hadn't prioritized shutting that down, we just had other priorities. But if this is the top thing that people care about, we'll prioritize that and do it," Zuckerberg added. Well, being alerted by Facebook when the government hacks your profile is nice, and not having Facebook outages as often would be swell, but getting rid of those pesky notifications is way more important. 

[via E! Online]

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